{ "webchat": { "invite": { "would_you_like_to_chat": "Would you like to chat with one of our agents?", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No" }, "wrapper": { "agent_left_chat": "{{name}} left this chat", "error_send_message": "Error send message", "connection_lost": "Connection lost. Reconnecting...", "connection_restored": "Connection restored.", "agent_will_be_shortly": "An agent will be with you shortly, please wait...", "session_may_be_recorded": "This session may be recorded for quality
assurance purposes.", "try_again": "Try again", "no_agent_available": "We are sorry, none of our agents are currently available, please try again later.", "contact_center_closed": "We are sorry, our contact center is currently closed.", "type_something": "Type something…", "end_this_dialog": "End this dialog", "chat_was_ended": "This chat was ended", "are_you_sure_end_chat": "Are you sure that you want to end the chat?", "end_chat": "End chat", "cancel": "Cancel", "send_history_to_email": "Send chat history to email?", "your_email": "Your email", "no_thanks": "No, thanks", "history_was_sent": "Chat history was sent to email", "sender_you": "You", "sender_agent": "Agent", "return_to_icr": "Return back to Interactive Chat Response", "return_to_start": "Return back", "intent_too_long": "This message is too long, please make it shorter" }, "data_collection": { "required": "Required", "valid_email": "Valid email address required", "send": "Send", "session_may_be_recorded": "This session may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.", "spaces_not_allowed": "Symbols are required" }, "chat_user": { "chat_in_progress": "chat is in progress..", "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "email_address": "Email Address", "phone_number": "Phone Number", "inquiry": "Inquiry", "your_first_name": "Your first Name", "your_last_name": "Your last Name", "nature_of_your_inquiry": "The nature of your inquiry", "your_phone_number": "Your phone number" }, "connect": { "agent_left_session": "Agent {{sender}} left session" }, "messaging": { "no_agent_available": "None of our agents are available.", "contact_center_closed": "Contact Center is closed", "please_provide_information": "In order to properly serve you, please provide the following information:", "thank_you_please_provide_information": "Thank you for contacting us. In order to properly serve you please enter the following information:" }, "error": { "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong. Please contact administrator", "error_sending_message": "Error sending message.", "error_sending_callback": "Error sending callback request." }, "styling": { "valid_logo_url_required": "Valid logo url required", "pictures": "Pictures", "chat_logo_url": "Chat logo url", "agent_picture": "Agent picture", "agent_title": "Agent title", "agent_title_tooltip": "Use this field to set up the agent title in chat application. If the field is empty, the default title 'Consultant' will be used.", "styling": "Styling", "visual_mode": "Visual mode", "css": "CSS", "theme": "Theme", "light": "Light", "dark": "Dark", "or_hex": "or Hex", "apply": "apply", "applied": "applied", "main_color": "Main color", "invalid_hex": "Invalid HEX", "valid_hex_required": "Valid hex required", "widget_width": "Widget width", "widget_height": "Widget height", "round_corners": "Round corners", "clouds_and_widget": "Clouds & widget", "you_can_download_template": "For simplicity you can download template and then edit it", "upload_css": "Upload CSS", "file_has_been_uploaded": "file has been uploaded", "file_has_been_uploaded_and_applied": "file has been uploaded and applied", "file_has_not_been_uploaded": "This file hasn’t been uploaded", "empty_file": "is empty. Please upload another file.", "invalid_file_type": "has invalid file type.", "css_not_applied": "is not a valid CSS file. Please fix the CSS syntax and re-upload the file.", "download_default_template": "Download Default Template", "download_current_styling": "Download Current Styling", "icr": { "icr_demo_option_one": "option one", "icr_demo_long_option": "Long text option, Long text optionLong text optionLong text option" }, "no_tooltip_for_last_name": "No tooltip for last name", "small_text": "Small text", "long_text": "Long long long long long long long long long long text", "type_of_question": "Type of question", "agent_picture_none": "Do not show profile picture", "agent_picture_or_default": "Show agent's profile picture, or default profile picture if agent's picture is not defined", "agent_picture_or_none": "Show agent's profile picture, or no picture at all if agent's profile picture is not defined", "agent_picture_default": "Show default profile picture", "page_preview": "Page preview ({{currentPage}} of {{pageCount}})", "bot-preview-header": "Page preview", "bot-preview-message": "Example of the dialog between chat bot and site visitor is shown", "only_active_pages": "Only active pages on your settings are shown", "draft_version_of_icr": "Draft version of the ICR is shown", "chatbot_header": "Chat bot header", "avatar": "Avatar", "avatar_url": "Avatar URL", "avatar_name": "Name", "avatar_title": "Title", "default_name": "Digital Assistant", "avatar_picture_default": "Default", "avatar_picture_custom": "Custom", "avatar_picture_none": "None", "valid_bot_avatar_url_required": "Avatar URL is required" }, "preview": { "consultant": "Consultant", "agent_name": "Anna Gold", "position_in_queue": "Position in queue is 1.", "waiting_time": "Waiting time is less than 1 min.", "agents_greeting": "Hello Jennifer! My name is Anna and I am here to help you.", "visitors_question": "Hi! I want to check the delivery details and can't quickly find the info on your website. Can you deliver to Delaware? How much will it cost?", "agents_reply": "Yes indeed, we can deliver to Delaware. Before providing cost calculations, I will need to receive some additional information from you.", "agent_asks_additional_info": "Can you please tell me a zip code of the destination address?", "queue_preview_reference": "This chat queue preview is for reference only. If you want to update the styling settings, please navigate to the ", "chat_settings": "Chat settings", "we_cant_display_queue_preview": "We can't display the chat queue preview because you are not using the most up-to-date version of the webchat application. Contact your service provider to create a chat queue with enhanced functionality." }, "treatment": { "error_sending_message_try_again": "There was an error sending your message, please make sure the information provided is correct and try again", "message_sent": "Your message has been sent successfully", "callback_sent": "Your callback has been sent successfully", "message_not_delivered": "Message not delivered" }, "message_date": { "just_now": "Just now" }, "position": { "less_than_one_minute": "less than one minute", "about_x_minutes": "about {0} minutes", "estimated_wait_time": "Waiting time is {0}.", "position_in_queue": "Position in queue is {0}." } }, "icr": { "preview": { "bot_greeting": "Hi! What can I do for you today? I can provide the order status, change or cancel the order.", "user_question": "Hi! I want to check the status of my order.", "bot_name_question": "Sure. What’s your name?", "user_name_answer": "Waylon Tyler", "bot_order_question": "What’s your order ID?", "user_order_answer": "123456", "bot_reply": "Your order was shipped. It will be delivered tomorrow.", "user_thank": "Thank you", "bot_other_question_request": "Do you have any other questions?" } } }